Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bullying....Stop it.

First off, I'd like to apologize for not posting for like almost two weeks I think. It's mostly due to homework overload. My cray cray teachers. and my horrible habit of procrastination. And because the quarter just ended. Sooo.....Yeaaa....

Second,I don't if anyone is actually reading this, because no one really replies. So I'm not sure if my posts are good......or not. Anyway, you should comment or something, because then I can understand your views on things too. It could be anonymously or not, but I'd be awesome if you would......

Okay topic of this post: Bullying. Stop it.

So recently I've been on Instagram and I see users that are so depressed. Because of parents who don't care. Bullies. This crazy society that makes us think we have to look a certain way. But mostly bullying. People kill themselves everyday because of it. and yet the bully has no consequence. There's no arrest for making people feel bad and pretty much making them kill their selves. If you think about it, it's basically murder. and yet they have no consequence at all. Some don't even care that they just killed someone. Someone's daughter or son. Someone's niece or nephew. Someone. A person. They don't realize how much their words hurt. People are hurting themselves because of these words. 

People say just ignore it. But how can you ignore it? People thrive on what people think of them. You want know my opinion? I think you are amazing just the way you. It doesn't matter if you aren't stick thin. It doesn't matter if you don't look like Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt. Be yourself. If you are satisfied with the way you look then don't change. Don't let others' opinions make you into something you're not. If you aren't satisfied, then go ahead and change. But don't do it because people tell you to.  

Do not let the bullies win. Don't hurt yourself because of what they say. Don't kill yourself just because you are miserable now. You'll regret it, because you'll be forever lost and alone. 

Don't act like everything's okay when it's really not. Tell someone how you feel. Don't lock yourself away from everyone. People care about you even if you think they don't. I can honestly say, if you killed yourself that at least 1 person would care if you were gone. 

If they say something to you, don't fight back. Just simply smile and say, You're not worth my time. Your misery fuels them, but your happiness drains theirs'.

You have the will to survive, if you try. Greater pain doesn't cancel out pain no matter how much you want it to.  

 Stay strong. 



  1. There should be a penalty for bullying. Maybe 4th degree murder? That sounds accurate to me. Because its a lie that sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you. Physical wounds heal, but the mental ones never do. They always hurt and it is the worst pain of all. Your completely right and please don't stop posting your posts are really insightful. Its wonderful. Anyways concerning instagram, i see a lot of Amanda Todd posts and I don't appreciate the fact that she was bullied but I don't think she should be getting that much respect because millions of kids are bullied for things that they cannot control, while Todd inflicted it upon herself. Where is the respect for kids who killed themselves because of their weight, looks or sexuality? We should be dedicating more posts to them not Amanda Todd.

    1. I think there should be a 4th degree murder. It's only fair. In my opinion I think mental pain is a hell of a lot worse than physical pain. And thanks I will continue posting. The Amanda Todd stuff is really getting on my nerves. No offense but she caused this for herself. Tons of people are being bullied because of things they can't help and they should get more respect and should be more known about. People are killing themselves everyday, yet no one talks about it. Even though it's a sad subject, I think maybe schools should talk about it so that the people will sorta have closure. Most people are afraid to come forward and seek help and I think maybe if schools talked about it more then maybe it could make them feel less alone.
