Sunday, March 3, 2013

I'm afraid of romance :P

So recently I thought about it for a while and I have come to the conclusion that..............I am afraid of romance. I like love songs, depressing or not, and books about people in cute relationships. Lately, I've been  reading The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (Lovely book by the way, you should read it if you ever have the time) The main character is Hazel and she meets this guy named Augustus. And she's afraid to kiss, or make any semiromantic move because she could die soon and she doesn't want to hurt anyone. Just sayin I'm not gonna die soon, it's just that I'm afraid of hurting people. and I hate fighting. I just can't stand it. I hate  people being mad at me and if you are I'd probably always be first to apologize. I really want a relationship like Hazel and Augustus, intellectual, like you could talk for hours about random stuff and all the geeky puns and stuff like that. I don't want to be that girl who just makes out with her boyfriend behind halls and that's pretty much all they do. or maybe I'm just weird. I'd prefer that "geeky" looking guy over that Tumblr guy with a six pack. Call me crazy but I like those sort of dorky guys. The fact that I'm afraid of romance is pretty ironic because I'm also afraid of being forever alone..........I'm weird :P .............and this is extremely random. Now that I think of it so are all of my posts........I don't's 2am and I don't want to go to sleep.....So i've been contemplating making a youtube channel because I have like almost no life and I'm bored....should I?
Comment you opinions on relationships and romance and what not and whether or not I should make a youtube channel(:
Anonymous or not, either way, it'd be cool if you left a comment tho(:
Peace Love and Turtles

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Blood Drive

So my friend went to go sign up for the blood drive and then she was like " Hey you should donate blood with me, cuz you know you're legally allowed to as of tomorrow(Tomorrow, Feb 20th is my 16th birthday!)"
So I was like yeah sure, after all it is for a good cause. So then I look through the booklet thingy and then I get to height and weight requirements. I'm 5' 3 so I have to be at least 124 pounds to donate. and I'm 17 pounds underweight though, so I guess I won't be donating blood. At least not this year. 
Random post :P
Actually all my posts are random.
Until next post,
Peace, Love, and Turtles,

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How I spent Valentine's Day

So because I'm in mock trial, I spent Valentine's Day at a courthouse, which isn't as bad as it sounds. It was probably the best Valentine's Day so far. So our mock trial club is called Legal Eagles, and it is seriously filled with the funniest and most awesome people in the world. The car ride their we just keep saying history/ educational related pick up lines. The trial itself was pretty hilarious too. The guy that played the bailiff was so loud and intense . Every time he swore someone in, me and everyone else there for moral support (I wasn't competing today) could stop laughing. The judge was really cranky and irritated with the other team because they shot an objection at pretty much every question our attorneys asked and she got so annoyed she told them to stop and just get on with it and many times when we objected, their attorney asked to be heard and she just flatly said no. There were also a lot of other funny moments, I just can't think of them all. That's how I spent my Valentine's Day, how'd you spend yours?
Comment below, tweet me at @ash22097, or message/ask me a question on tumblr at
Happy Discounted Candy Day!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Valentine's Day

So Valentine's Day is coming up soon.....Who has a Valentine this year? I don't. not yet at least, but it's highly unlikely. You know what? Valentine's Day is a stupid and worthless holiday. Not only because I am single, but for many other reasons. It ruins perfectly good relationships. You don't get your boyfriend or girlfriend a present They get pissed. You get them too great of a present. They get pissed. It also makes single people feel like they're forever alone. Plus we don't even get a day off of school for it, so what is the point? Celebrate your relationship on your anniversary, at least that has sentimental value behind it. I think the only good thing about Valentine's day is that candy is on sale. All in all Valentine's day is utterly useless.
What are your thoughts on Valentine's Day?
Comment below, or tweet me at @ash22097 or ask me a question on tumblr at
Peace, love, and turtles

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Okay so apparently #cuttingforbieber is trending on twitter. Another reason why I dislike Justin Bieber. His Fandom. It has got to be the stupidest hash tag ever. Belibers(or however you spell it) are cutting themselves, in hope of trying to get Justin to stop smoking weed.  Okay 1. It is very disrespectful to people who actually suffer from self-harm 2. It's stupid and dangerous. I've heard that someone has already died from it (IDK if it's true but that's what I heard)
if you really want him to stop, stop buying his merchandise and going to his concerts, then he won't have the money to buy the drugs. It is seriously sick what these girls are doing. And apparently he hasn't mentioned or done anything about it. You should NEVER intentionally cut yourself or in general hurt yourself. Especially, not because some dumb kid is doing drugs.
I'm am seriously embarrassed to be associated with this generation because of these crazy people who'd do anything for their idol.
well that's my rant on #cuttingforbieber
leave a comment below on your thoughts/opinions(:

Monday, January 7, 2013

Dear Homophobs, Why You Hatin'?

I don't understand why people don't just let gay, lesbian, and bi people do what they want. It makes them happy and it's not hurting others, so why can't you just leave them alone and let them get married? What if people didn't allow you to get married? I'm not a lesbian, or bi, but I think it's unfair that they are not allowed that right. Not just that, but people are telling them to die and that no one likes them. Okay, if you don't support them, the least you could do is not insult them and leave them alone. No one deserves to be told that they should die, or  that no one likes them or anything like that. What would you do if someone told you that? People who are homosexual are people too. Just like someone who isn't. They have feelings. Okay, it's against religion. It's not any of your business what they do or don't do. Even people who are religious sometimes support them. I'm Christian, but I think they have every right to do what they want. Sure it's apparently a sin, but so are a lot of other things good people do. God loves everyone no matter who they are or what they've done. What angers me the most is Westboro Church. They can't even  call them selves Christians. People are supposed to love their neighbors, not hate on people every time they get the chance. For those that don't know, Westboro Church (more like a cult) protests at funerals for soldiers and protest against homosexual people. What they do is so wrong, on so many levels.
Well that's my opinion. What's yours?
Leave a comment below(:

Monday, December 31, 2012

New Blog!

Hey guys! So I'm starting another blog on my fanfics, stories, poems, stuff like that. Just thought I'd let you know in case you were interested.
The url is:
and Happy New Year's Eve!
Almost 2013!
Be on the look out for new posts soon!
I hope everyone has a awesome year, filled with joy and happiness!!