Monday, January 7, 2013

Dear Homophobs, Why You Hatin'?

I don't understand why people don't just let gay, lesbian, and bi people do what they want. It makes them happy and it's not hurting others, so why can't you just leave them alone and let them get married? What if people didn't allow you to get married? I'm not a lesbian, or bi, but I think it's unfair that they are not allowed that right. Not just that, but people are telling them to die and that no one likes them. Okay, if you don't support them, the least you could do is not insult them and leave them alone. No one deserves to be told that they should die, or  that no one likes them or anything like that. What would you do if someone told you that? People who are homosexual are people too. Just like someone who isn't. They have feelings. Okay, it's against religion. It's not any of your business what they do or don't do. Even people who are religious sometimes support them. I'm Christian, but I think they have every right to do what they want. Sure it's apparently a sin, but so are a lot of other things good people do. God loves everyone no matter who they are or what they've done. What angers me the most is Westboro Church. They can't even  call them selves Christians. People are supposed to love their neighbors, not hate on people every time they get the chance. For those that don't know, Westboro Church (more like a cult) protests at funerals for soldiers and protest against homosexual people. What they do is so wrong, on so many levels.
Well that's my opinion. What's yours?
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