Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Okay so apparently #cuttingforbieber is trending on twitter. Another reason why I dislike Justin Bieber. His Fandom. It has got to be the stupidest hash tag ever. Belibers(or however you spell it) are cutting themselves, in hope of trying to get Justin to stop smoking weed.  Okay 1. It is very disrespectful to people who actually suffer from self-harm 2. It's stupid and dangerous. I've heard that someone has already died from it (IDK if it's true but that's what I heard)
if you really want him to stop, stop buying his merchandise and going to his concerts, then he won't have the money to buy the drugs. It is seriously sick what these girls are doing. And apparently he hasn't mentioned or done anything about it. You should NEVER intentionally cut yourself or in general hurt yourself. Especially, not because some dumb kid is doing drugs.
I'm am seriously embarrassed to be associated with this generation because of these crazy people who'd do anything for their idol.
well that's my rant on #cuttingforbieber
leave a comment below on your thoughts/opinions(:

1 comment:

  1. Okay I'm a girl the same age as you and I've been reading your blog but I'm trying my hardest to understand your angle here. In your other post : Dear Homophobs, Why You Hatin'?,
    you stated things like 'just leave them alone'
    'Okay, if you don't support them, the least you could do is not insult them and leave them alone.'
    So surely the same applies to Justin Beiber.. You don't know him.. so you can't bad-mouth him saying that hes a 'dumb kid' and that you 'dislike' him. Also that he should have 'mentioned or done' something about it. The two don't add up.
    He's just a guy trying to make it in the music business..his fans can't control his life. I'm not saying that I agree with these fans or that I'm a big Justin Beiber fan but i honestly think its a little out of order to critise him when essentially he hasn't done anything wrong.
    THis is not a rant. I really like the rest of your writing, just not so sure about this post.
