Friday, September 28, 2012

Like in 3 seconds pictures

No offense to all y'all who make/like these "Like in 3 Seconds" pictures, but I think they are the most annoying pictures on Facebook. For example: Like in 3seconds if you love God, ignore if you don't. Really now. Are you seriously saying that I don't love god if I don't like it? (By the way, I am Christian) It's not that I'm offended, I just that I think they're a waste of time and they are stupid. It's like God is really gonna care if you like or don't like. He's not gonna love you any less.They constantly clog up my news feed. I swear at least every 5 posts there are one of these. They are seriously so worthless. And most of the pages that re post them, have nothing to do with the picture. And these pictures have no meaning to it. There's no amusement, knowledge, or point to them. Comment with your opinions and/or topics you want be to blog about if you want. 'aight.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Random Picture I found on the Internet

I found this on Pinterest and thought it was cool. This is exactly how I want someone to propose to me(:
Only Harry Potter fans will get it though......


Saturday, September 22, 2012


Something I should probably being doing now. Anyway, the purpose of this post is to rant about the crazy amount of homework we get. At least my teachers do. Teachers give us so much homework that they think we don't have a life or something. We are teenagers we have lives. We have things to do. Mandatory family gatherings, parties, etc. We want to hangout with our friends sometimes too. And then teachers complain about how much grading they have to do. Less homework= less grading. No comprendo? (I probably spelled that wrong, I don't take or speak Spanish) Yeah, I get that homework is for practicing things you learned in school, but we need time to do other things too. One thing I hate is when you spent all night doing an assignment and then the teacher says "Oh it's not due today". What? What do you mean it's not due today? Yesterday you stressed about how it was due today, and now you say it's not due today because some of the class didn't do it. Well for the ones who did it, the least you could do for making us all stay up all night to finish it, is give us extra credit. Okay so this one time my chem teacher gave us this 12 page 20 problems on each page packet to do, and she stressed the whole entire 45 minutes of class, that it was due the next day. So I took all night, I stayed up until 3 am doing it, and the next day she says it's not due until 2 more days (because we didn't have her the next day) because 1/2 the class didn't do it. And the other 1/2 of the class that did do it, didn't get anything. No extra credit. And if you though that was crazy, keep reading. So when we got the packets back she said it was only worth 4 points. The entire 12 page 20 problems per page packet was only worth 4 points. And she didn't even check all the problems. She looked at one problem. Per a page. Urg. This psychopathic lady. She will be the death of me.
P.S. Sorry in advance for the past and future spelling and grammar errors, if there are any.

Friday, September 21, 2012


So this is my first post. If I suck at blogging a apologize in advance. To be honest I really don't know if anyone is going to read this. My name is Ash, actually pen name, that's not my real name. It's a longish story how I got this nick name, but I guess I'll tell you anyway. So I have a friend named Sohnjay, and last year, freshman year we both joined this mock trial/ debate club. So it's the day of the 1st trial and this other girl (who later became my friend) asked what my name was and he replied Ash-wait whoops, because there was this other Asian girl, named Ashley and he got our names mixed up. Yep. Okay so I'll tell you more about myself. I am 15, a sophomore in high school, and this is my first blog, so excuse my unexperiencedness. I'm a Cali girl but I don't speak in the stereotypical "OMG did you see her hair today. OMG totally" Californian accent. I really random. this blog is basically me ranting on about random topics and posting random pictures I find awesome/cool or inspirational. When I was little I wanted to be a model/ clothes designer, but that dreamed died when I realized, I would never be tall enough, because my Asianess makes me slightly shorter than the rest of the population and I suck at drawing. I like to doodle, but I couldn't draw to save my life. Then when I older I decided I wanted to be a pharmacist, but just a couple weeks ago I decided I didn't, because I didn't want to spend my life giving medicine to sick people. i would be too depressing. I have decided I wanted to be a psychologist, because I like helping people with their problems. So if you need advice on something/ has a problem, feel free to comment for advice. I am not a sporty person. The only thing I actively do is hip hop dance, which is really fun,  and can help you blow off steam, at least in my opinion. anything else.....uh well I like almost any SciFi, crime, comedy shows/ movies. Except Twilight, and most reality TV. I can't stand them. No offense to all you Twihards, and 16  and Pregnant, and Jersey Shore fans. I love to read manga and read anime. um....yeah I guess this is then end of this post. Comment topics you want me to talk about.