Saturday, September 22, 2012


Something I should probably being doing now. Anyway, the purpose of this post is to rant about the crazy amount of homework we get. At least my teachers do. Teachers give us so much homework that they think we don't have a life or something. We are teenagers we have lives. We have things to do. Mandatory family gatherings, parties, etc. We want to hangout with our friends sometimes too. And then teachers complain about how much grading they have to do. Less homework= less grading. No comprendo? (I probably spelled that wrong, I don't take or speak Spanish) Yeah, I get that homework is for practicing things you learned in school, but we need time to do other things too. One thing I hate is when you spent all night doing an assignment and then the teacher says "Oh it's not due today". What? What do you mean it's not due today? Yesterday you stressed about how it was due today, and now you say it's not due today because some of the class didn't do it. Well for the ones who did it, the least you could do for making us all stay up all night to finish it, is give us extra credit. Okay so this one time my chem teacher gave us this 12 page 20 problems on each page packet to do, and she stressed the whole entire 45 minutes of class, that it was due the next day. So I took all night, I stayed up until 3 am doing it, and the next day she says it's not due until 2 more days (because we didn't have her the next day) because 1/2 the class didn't do it. And the other 1/2 of the class that did do it, didn't get anything. No extra credit. And if you though that was crazy, keep reading. So when we got the packets back she said it was only worth 4 points. The entire 12 page 20 problems per page packet was only worth 4 points. And she didn't even check all the problems. She looked at one problem. Per a page. Urg. This psychopathic lady. She will be the death of me.
P.S. Sorry in advance for the past and future spelling and grammar errors, if there are any.

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