Friday, September 21, 2012


So this is my first post. If I suck at blogging a apologize in advance. To be honest I really don't know if anyone is going to read this. My name is Ash, actually pen name, that's not my real name. It's a longish story how I got this nick name, but I guess I'll tell you anyway. So I have a friend named Sohnjay, and last year, freshman year we both joined this mock trial/ debate club. So it's the day of the 1st trial and this other girl (who later became my friend) asked what my name was and he replied Ash-wait whoops, because there was this other Asian girl, named Ashley and he got our names mixed up. Yep. Okay so I'll tell you more about myself. I am 15, a sophomore in high school, and this is my first blog, so excuse my unexperiencedness. I'm a Cali girl but I don't speak in the stereotypical "OMG did you see her hair today. OMG totally" Californian accent. I really random. this blog is basically me ranting on about random topics and posting random pictures I find awesome/cool or inspirational. When I was little I wanted to be a model/ clothes designer, but that dreamed died when I realized, I would never be tall enough, because my Asianess makes me slightly shorter than the rest of the population and I suck at drawing. I like to doodle, but I couldn't draw to save my life. Then when I older I decided I wanted to be a pharmacist, but just a couple weeks ago I decided I didn't, because I didn't want to spend my life giving medicine to sick people. i would be too depressing. I have decided I wanted to be a psychologist, because I like helping people with their problems. So if you need advice on something/ has a problem, feel free to comment for advice. I am not a sporty person. The only thing I actively do is hip hop dance, which is really fun,  and can help you blow off steam, at least in my opinion. anything else.....uh well I like almost any SciFi, crime, comedy shows/ movies. Except Twilight, and most reality TV. I can't stand them. No offense to all you Twihards, and 16  and Pregnant, and Jersey Shore fans. I love to read manga and read anime. um....yeah I guess this is then end of this post. Comment topics you want me to talk about.


  1. Nice first post! I will be following you....(but not in a stalkerish way lol)

  2. Haha Thanks! You know who I am right?

  3. Yup. :) And your teacher sounds absolutely mental!
