Monday, December 31, 2012

New Blog!

Hey guys! So I'm starting another blog on my fanfics, stories, poems, stuff like that. Just thought I'd let you know in case you were interested.
The url is:
and Happy New Year's Eve!
Almost 2013!
Be on the look out for new posts soon!
I hope everyone has a awesome year, filled with joy and happiness!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Distancing Friends

Admit it. We all have at least one of those friends who are all buddy buddy with you when they need you and stranger like when they don't. 
I, for one, definitely have one of those. Maybe even two or three.
The three people who once used to be my very best friends in the whole world, now act like total strangers. Not even. Total strangers are closer to me then they are. 
My used to be best friend that was a girl, flat out told me she didn't want to be friends because I talk to my other friends too. We used to be able to talk about anything together, and now we're total strangers. Come to think of it, we haven't really talked since we were like 11 (I'm 15 almost 16 now). The last few years were just awkward silence filled conversations. And the thing is we've had best friend break ups before. But this time I'm done with always being second choice. It's happened when I was in 7th grade, again when she got a boyfriend this year, then again now. If someone is your friend, they would never ignore you because of a tough time or a boyfriend. 
My used to be best guy friends, would always hang out, carpool together, talk about anything, even crushes. They'd sleep over all the time and stuff. Now, we barely talk anymore. They've moved like twice, farther and farther away each time. They live like an hour away now. but distance shouldn't matter on how strong the friendship. It's sad though. They used to be my best friends, and now they're like total strangers. 
The thing is about friends is that they friend dump you, stop talking to you for a while, stuff like that, but when  you do it, and they start talking to you again, you feel bad. It's just that they only need you when they feel like like, and you feel bad about telling them no I don't want to be friends anymore. 
I remember once, when I was about 8 or 9, I friend dumped one of my best guy friends, when he was being a complete jerk, and he cried. So later on when his mom told my mom, I had to tell him I was just kidding, and that I didn't mean it. I just hate that feeling of making someone feel bad, even if they've done it to you. 
It's hard to dump friends, even if you don't consider them friends anymore. It's hard to let go of the people who once meant the most to you, but then hurt you. Distancing friends is hard, and don't get how people do it. 
Leave a comment on your thoughts, or experiences (:

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Santa is a WIZARD!! Or maybe God

So here's my theory on Santa:
He is either a wizard, or more likely, God.
Think about it. Santa could be a wizard. How else would he get around the whole world in one night? He could apparate anywhere, or even send owls to deliver them. Plus he probably has one of those bags Hermione had in the Death Hallows. The beaded bag that had an untraceable charm. And the supposed elves,  are probably house elves. If he were a wizard, he'd probably be a mudblood, because he cares to much about muggles. Compared to most purebloods, who dislike muggles and anything to do with them.

But Santa could also be God. He sees you when your sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good. Who else would know all this other than an intense stalker. Not even a intense stalker would know all this. Plus, Santa's gift, could be God answering your prayers. It makes sense. because the gifts you used to get on Christmas were obviously from your parents, and not from Santa. And who else could deliver billions of presents in one night? God obviously could. 

In any case, Santa is more likely God than a wizard. As much as I want wizards to exist, they don't and God does. So it would make more sense for Santa to be God. Sorry for this very religious based post, to those who are not Christians or Muslims (They believe in the same God just in a different name) and other religions that believe in the same God

And props to my friend, she knows who she is, and I probably shouldn't mention her name, for the theory of Santa being God.
Merry Christmas Everyone! 


Friday, December 14, 2012

What the Hell is Wrong With People?!?!?!?

I heard about the shooting at the elementary school in Connecticut in math today, and I thought what the hell is wrong with people? They were innocent people! Most of the victims were kindergardeners! But still people are allowed easy access to guns and other weapons. In Michigan, they actually gave out guns if you opened a bank account. It's insane how some people think weapons are nothing. I recently watched a documentary on the Columbine shooting and it's so messed up how people can obtain guns so easily and think that it's no big deal. Oh yeah it's totally not a big deal that everyone's just carrying around a gun and can shoot a person at anytime. I seriously think people should do something about gun control. I'm not saying only allow guns for military and police, I'm just saying people should be stricter about who can carry them. They should have certain requirements for even purchasing a gun. Because people are neglecting to crack down on gun control, instead of thinking of 27 Christmas gifts to give, the families are now planning to 27 funerals. These shooters. You can't even call them humans. They're psychotic monsters.These victims were innocent people and they didn't do anything to you. What gives you the right to take someone else's life?


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Diffusion of Resposibility

Hey guys! I haven't written in a while, mostly because of school and all the last minute projects and stuff because everything's hectic at the end of the semester.
Anyway, this post's topic: Diffusion of Responsibility
I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I want to become a psychologist. Why is that relevant? Because diffusion of responsibility is a social psychological phenomenon that was studied because a girl named Kitty Genovese was raped and stabbed to death on March 13, 1964, in Kew Gardens, New York. There were reportedly 38 witnesses that heard it, but none of them did anything until it was too late. A call to the police was made half an hour too late. This phenomenon is basically people not helping people not no one else is. For example, there's a man choking at an airport. There's thousands of people watching, yet no one helps. Everyone assumes that someone else will help, so they don't. If it was someone you knew of course you'd help, but a stranger? You assume someone else will. Maybe you don't realize it, but it happens all the time. My question to you is, what would you do in a situation like that?
Please comment what you think(: no one really comments, so it kinda feels like I'm blogging to air. Anonymous or not, either way would be greatly appreciated(:
