Friday, December 14, 2012

What the Hell is Wrong With People?!?!?!?

I heard about the shooting at the elementary school in Connecticut in math today, and I thought what the hell is wrong with people? They were innocent people! Most of the victims were kindergardeners! But still people are allowed easy access to guns and other weapons. In Michigan, they actually gave out guns if you opened a bank account. It's insane how some people think weapons are nothing. I recently watched a documentary on the Columbine shooting and it's so messed up how people can obtain guns so easily and think that it's no big deal. Oh yeah it's totally not a big deal that everyone's just carrying around a gun and can shoot a person at anytime. I seriously think people should do something about gun control. I'm not saying only allow guns for military and police, I'm just saying people should be stricter about who can carry them. They should have certain requirements for even purchasing a gun. Because people are neglecting to crack down on gun control, instead of thinking of 27 Christmas gifts to give, the families are now planning to 27 funerals. These shooters. You can't even call them humans. They're psychotic monsters.These victims were innocent people and they didn't do anything to you. What gives you the right to take someone else's life?


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