Saturday, December 8, 2012

Diffusion of Resposibility

Hey guys! I haven't written in a while, mostly because of school and all the last minute projects and stuff because everything's hectic at the end of the semester.
Anyway, this post's topic: Diffusion of Responsibility
I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I want to become a psychologist. Why is that relevant? Because diffusion of responsibility is a social psychological phenomenon that was studied because a girl named Kitty Genovese was raped and stabbed to death on March 13, 1964, in Kew Gardens, New York. There were reportedly 38 witnesses that heard it, but none of them did anything until it was too late. A call to the police was made half an hour too late. This phenomenon is basically people not helping people not no one else is. For example, there's a man choking at an airport. There's thousands of people watching, yet no one helps. Everyone assumes that someone else will help, so they don't. If it was someone you knew of course you'd help, but a stranger? You assume someone else will. Maybe you don't realize it, but it happens all the time. My question to you is, what would you do in a situation like that?
Please comment what you think(: no one really comments, so it kinda feels like I'm blogging to air. Anonymous or not, either way would be greatly appreciated(:



  1. This happens all the time. On a larger scale, we can look at problems plaguing the earth. Poverty, hunger, violence and the list goes on. Nobody bothers to do anything because they think everybody else is already doing something

  2. It's sad. If people didn't assume everything, the world would be a much better place
