Sunday, December 23, 2012

Santa is a WIZARD!! Or maybe God

So here's my theory on Santa:
He is either a wizard, or more likely, God.
Think about it. Santa could be a wizard. How else would he get around the whole world in one night? He could apparate anywhere, or even send owls to deliver them. Plus he probably has one of those bags Hermione had in the Death Hallows. The beaded bag that had an untraceable charm. And the supposed elves,  are probably house elves. If he were a wizard, he'd probably be a mudblood, because he cares to much about muggles. Compared to most purebloods, who dislike muggles and anything to do with them.

But Santa could also be God. He sees you when your sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good. Who else would know all this other than an intense stalker. Not even a intense stalker would know all this. Plus, Santa's gift, could be God answering your prayers. It makes sense. because the gifts you used to get on Christmas were obviously from your parents, and not from Santa. And who else could deliver billions of presents in one night? God obviously could. 

In any case, Santa is more likely God than a wizard. As much as I want wizards to exist, they don't and God does. So it would make more sense for Santa to be God. Sorry for this very religious based post, to those who are not Christians or Muslims (They believe in the same God just in a different name) and other religions that believe in the same God

And props to my friend, she knows who she is, and I probably shouldn't mention her name, for the theory of Santa being God.
Merry Christmas Everyone! 


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