Monday, December 31, 2012

New Blog!

Hey guys! So I'm starting another blog on my fanfics, stories, poems, stuff like that. Just thought I'd let you know in case you were interested.
The url is:
and Happy New Year's Eve!
Almost 2013!
Be on the look out for new posts soon!
I hope everyone has a awesome year, filled with joy and happiness!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Distancing Friends

Admit it. We all have at least one of those friends who are all buddy buddy with you when they need you and stranger like when they don't. 
I, for one, definitely have one of those. Maybe even two or three.
The three people who once used to be my very best friends in the whole world, now act like total strangers. Not even. Total strangers are closer to me then they are. 
My used to be best friend that was a girl, flat out told me she didn't want to be friends because I talk to my other friends too. We used to be able to talk about anything together, and now we're total strangers. Come to think of it, we haven't really talked since we were like 11 (I'm 15 almost 16 now). The last few years were just awkward silence filled conversations. And the thing is we've had best friend break ups before. But this time I'm done with always being second choice. It's happened when I was in 7th grade, again when she got a boyfriend this year, then again now. If someone is your friend, they would never ignore you because of a tough time or a boyfriend. 
My used to be best guy friends, would always hang out, carpool together, talk about anything, even crushes. They'd sleep over all the time and stuff. Now, we barely talk anymore. They've moved like twice, farther and farther away each time. They live like an hour away now. but distance shouldn't matter on how strong the friendship. It's sad though. They used to be my best friends, and now they're like total strangers. 
The thing is about friends is that they friend dump you, stop talking to you for a while, stuff like that, but when  you do it, and they start talking to you again, you feel bad. It's just that they only need you when they feel like like, and you feel bad about telling them no I don't want to be friends anymore. 
I remember once, when I was about 8 or 9, I friend dumped one of my best guy friends, when he was being a complete jerk, and he cried. So later on when his mom told my mom, I had to tell him I was just kidding, and that I didn't mean it. I just hate that feeling of making someone feel bad, even if they've done it to you. 
It's hard to dump friends, even if you don't consider them friends anymore. It's hard to let go of the people who once meant the most to you, but then hurt you. Distancing friends is hard, and don't get how people do it. 
Leave a comment on your thoughts, or experiences (:

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Santa is a WIZARD!! Or maybe God

So here's my theory on Santa:
He is either a wizard, or more likely, God.
Think about it. Santa could be a wizard. How else would he get around the whole world in one night? He could apparate anywhere, or even send owls to deliver them. Plus he probably has one of those bags Hermione had in the Death Hallows. The beaded bag that had an untraceable charm. And the supposed elves,  are probably house elves. If he were a wizard, he'd probably be a mudblood, because he cares to much about muggles. Compared to most purebloods, who dislike muggles and anything to do with them.

But Santa could also be God. He sees you when your sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good. Who else would know all this other than an intense stalker. Not even a intense stalker would know all this. Plus, Santa's gift, could be God answering your prayers. It makes sense. because the gifts you used to get on Christmas were obviously from your parents, and not from Santa. And who else could deliver billions of presents in one night? God obviously could. 

In any case, Santa is more likely God than a wizard. As much as I want wizards to exist, they don't and God does. So it would make more sense for Santa to be God. Sorry for this very religious based post, to those who are not Christians or Muslims (They believe in the same God just in a different name) and other religions that believe in the same God

And props to my friend, she knows who she is, and I probably shouldn't mention her name, for the theory of Santa being God.
Merry Christmas Everyone! 


Friday, December 14, 2012

What the Hell is Wrong With People?!?!?!?

I heard about the shooting at the elementary school in Connecticut in math today, and I thought what the hell is wrong with people? They were innocent people! Most of the victims were kindergardeners! But still people are allowed easy access to guns and other weapons. In Michigan, they actually gave out guns if you opened a bank account. It's insane how some people think weapons are nothing. I recently watched a documentary on the Columbine shooting and it's so messed up how people can obtain guns so easily and think that it's no big deal. Oh yeah it's totally not a big deal that everyone's just carrying around a gun and can shoot a person at anytime. I seriously think people should do something about gun control. I'm not saying only allow guns for military and police, I'm just saying people should be stricter about who can carry them. They should have certain requirements for even purchasing a gun. Because people are neglecting to crack down on gun control, instead of thinking of 27 Christmas gifts to give, the families are now planning to 27 funerals. These shooters. You can't even call them humans. They're psychotic monsters.These victims were innocent people and they didn't do anything to you. What gives you the right to take someone else's life?


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Diffusion of Resposibility

Hey guys! I haven't written in a while, mostly because of school and all the last minute projects and stuff because everything's hectic at the end of the semester.
Anyway, this post's topic: Diffusion of Responsibility
I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I want to become a psychologist. Why is that relevant? Because diffusion of responsibility is a social psychological phenomenon that was studied because a girl named Kitty Genovese was raped and stabbed to death on March 13, 1964, in Kew Gardens, New York. There were reportedly 38 witnesses that heard it, but none of them did anything until it was too late. A call to the police was made half an hour too late. This phenomenon is basically people not helping people not no one else is. For example, there's a man choking at an airport. There's thousands of people watching, yet no one helps. Everyone assumes that someone else will help, so they don't. If it was someone you knew of course you'd help, but a stranger? You assume someone else will. Maybe you don't realize it, but it happens all the time. My question to you is, what would you do in a situation like that?
Please comment what you think(: no one really comments, so it kinda feels like I'm blogging to air. Anonymous or not, either way would be greatly appreciated(:


Thursday, November 22, 2012

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!/ Black Friday well now it's more like Black Thursday

Hey Everyone!
First off, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I hope your day is amazing!!
Second, I'd like to address Black Friday.
So apparently many stores are opening at 8 or 9pm on Thanksgiving night for Black Friday.
What happen to traditional Thanksgiving traditions? What happened to having fun with your family? Employees of Target, Sears, etc. are missing spending time with their families because they're forced to work because people want to shop at 8 at night for discounted stuff. Is it fair to keep them from their families? Is it? and people ditching their families for sales. I just don't get it. Some stuff isn't even that much discounted, plus if all these people are going what are the chances you'll get one too? We spend a day being thankful for people and the things we have, but the next day we push, shout, yell and whatever just to buy things we most of the time don't even need. What happened to being grateful for the things we have?
I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!
Peace love and turtles

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Midnight Premieres

I realized I haven't written in a while. That is do to homework overload, my procrastination, and the fact that I've been recently trial admining a facebook page about two awesome things: Anti-bullying and Harry Potter. and here's the link if you want to LIKE the page:
We help people who are being bullied or teased or just having a bad day get through whatever they're going through, and help inspire people to not think so badly of themselves. So... you should like it (:

Okay so this next topic is Midnight Premieres.
I don't really understand the concept of midnight premieres  why go see a movie at midnight, on a school night, when you can just see the next day? It never made too much sense to me of why people insist on camping outside theaters in the freezing cold and waiting for hours just to see a movie. Yeah I get that you've waited months and all, but after months would it be so bad to wait a couple of hours and just see the movie in normal time, where there aren't thousands of people waiting outside, freezing to death, and you're actually fully awake? I guess if you got like a special collectors item I would go, but I don't really see the point otherwise. Like I wanted to see the last Harry Potter movie at midnight, but I didn't really think it was worth it to wait hours in line to see a movie. and last night, the last installment (thank God) of the Twilight Saga came out, and thousands of people camped out to go see it. It's insane. But that's just my opinion. And a couple days ago Black Ops 2 came out, and hundreds waited for the midnight release. I guess they waited because it was really popular and they thought if they didn't get it then, then they'd have to wait until the stores restocked, but for video games, you could just get a reservation card that insures that you will get the game the day it comes out. I mean, if you get it at midnight, would you really stay up just to start the game?
I just don't understand the concept of it.
Until next post.......

Peace, Love, and Turtles,

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Saw this on Facebook....

I thought it was really cool and decided to share it with you guys(:

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bullying....Stop it.

First off, I'd like to apologize for not posting for like almost two weeks I think. It's mostly due to homework overload. My cray cray teachers. and my horrible habit of procrastination. And because the quarter just ended. Sooo.....Yeaaa....

Second,I don't if anyone is actually reading this, because no one really replies. So I'm not sure if my posts are good......or not. Anyway, you should comment or something, because then I can understand your views on things too. It could be anonymously or not, but I'd be awesome if you would......

Okay topic of this post: Bullying. Stop it.

So recently I've been on Instagram and I see users that are so depressed. Because of parents who don't care. Bullies. This crazy society that makes us think we have to look a certain way. But mostly bullying. People kill themselves everyday because of it. and yet the bully has no consequence. There's no arrest for making people feel bad and pretty much making them kill their selves. If you think about it, it's basically murder. and yet they have no consequence at all. Some don't even care that they just killed someone. Someone's daughter or son. Someone's niece or nephew. Someone. A person. They don't realize how much their words hurt. People are hurting themselves because of these words. 

People say just ignore it. But how can you ignore it? People thrive on what people think of them. You want know my opinion? I think you are amazing just the way you. It doesn't matter if you aren't stick thin. It doesn't matter if you don't look like Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt. Be yourself. If you are satisfied with the way you look then don't change. Don't let others' opinions make you into something you're not. If you aren't satisfied, then go ahead and change. But don't do it because people tell you to.  

Do not let the bullies win. Don't hurt yourself because of what they say. Don't kill yourself just because you are miserable now. You'll regret it, because you'll be forever lost and alone. 

Don't act like everything's okay when it's really not. Tell someone how you feel. Don't lock yourself away from everyone. People care about you even if you think they don't. I can honestly say, if you killed yourself that at least 1 person would care if you were gone. 

If they say something to you, don't fight back. Just simply smile and say, You're not worth my time. Your misery fuels them, but your happiness drains theirs'.

You have the will to survive, if you try. Greater pain doesn't cancel out pain no matter how much you want it to.  

 Stay strong. 


Monday, October 15, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

Racism and Racist People

There are racist people everywhere. Go to any country anywhere and you'll find racist people. But the thing is that there are people who are openly racist and those that are racist, but tend to just keep it to themselves. Like for example, the UCLA girl that posted a rant about her view of Asians. You've probably heard of her because tons of people posted response videos, but if not look up "UCLA student racist rant on Asians in the library" on you tube. So in her video she says that you'll always see these old Asian people walking around her apartment complex and she says that Asians aren't taught to fend for themselves. Okay yes a lot of people can't cook and clean. NOT just Asians though. You are probably one of them, but if these students couldn't fend for themselves why did they move out and go to college instead of live at home forever? And so what if people enjoy the company of their family? You got a problem with that? She also mentions that Asians should have "American manners". Well if you had any manners, you wouldn't have posted the video, and you're saying Asians aren't polite? Any way, why would you post a video about disliking Asians at UCLA? Where there are tons of Asians. Why would you post it anyway? In the beginning she says don't be offended, but how could you not get offended, like really? If you don't want people to be offended, or hate you, then you probably shouldn't have posted it in the first place. Get your facts straight before you start assuming all these things about people. I understand that people have a right to free speech, but you're saying this about a whole race, assuming that every person is just the same. And if you have this offensive of an opinion about people, you should really keep it to yourself, if you don't want people hating on you and being offended.   
On another note I also dislike it when people assume you're good at math because you're Asian. I'm okay at math, but I'm not some math genius.And you know a lot of people of many races are smart too, you shouldn't just assume these things about people.         
And another thing is that people don't consider people from India and those countries Asians because they don't "look" Asian. Like one of my best friends is from Pakistan, I think, or around there, and she says that in the past people have thought she was Mexican, because her skin is a bit darker than what people call "Asian skin color"(basically yellowish/pale ish) What continent do you think India and Pakistan and all those places are on?
I apologize for making this post mostly about Asians, but I guess I'm sorta bias because I am Asian myself. These things do happen to people of other races too, and I apologize for not mentioning other races too, but I'm full Asian so I don't really have a first hand look of their views.
I also apologize for only writing once a week now, but my homework load has gotten bigger and I only usually have time on weekends.
Comment what you think of this post, or your opinions if you want, and stay tuned for more posts (:

Friday, September 28, 2012

Like in 3 seconds pictures

No offense to all y'all who make/like these "Like in 3 Seconds" pictures, but I think they are the most annoying pictures on Facebook. For example: Like in 3seconds if you love God, ignore if you don't. Really now. Are you seriously saying that I don't love god if I don't like it? (By the way, I am Christian) It's not that I'm offended, I just that I think they're a waste of time and they are stupid. It's like God is really gonna care if you like or don't like. He's not gonna love you any less.They constantly clog up my news feed. I swear at least every 5 posts there are one of these. They are seriously so worthless. And most of the pages that re post them, have nothing to do with the picture. And these pictures have no meaning to it. There's no amusement, knowledge, or point to them. Comment with your opinions and/or topics you want be to blog about if you want. 'aight.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Random Picture I found on the Internet

I found this on Pinterest and thought it was cool. This is exactly how I want someone to propose to me(:
Only Harry Potter fans will get it though......


Saturday, September 22, 2012


Something I should probably being doing now. Anyway, the purpose of this post is to rant about the crazy amount of homework we get. At least my teachers do. Teachers give us so much homework that they think we don't have a life or something. We are teenagers we have lives. We have things to do. Mandatory family gatherings, parties, etc. We want to hangout with our friends sometimes too. And then teachers complain about how much grading they have to do. Less homework= less grading. No comprendo? (I probably spelled that wrong, I don't take or speak Spanish) Yeah, I get that homework is for practicing things you learned in school, but we need time to do other things too. One thing I hate is when you spent all night doing an assignment and then the teacher says "Oh it's not due today". What? What do you mean it's not due today? Yesterday you stressed about how it was due today, and now you say it's not due today because some of the class didn't do it. Well for the ones who did it, the least you could do for making us all stay up all night to finish it, is give us extra credit. Okay so this one time my chem teacher gave us this 12 page 20 problems on each page packet to do, and she stressed the whole entire 45 minutes of class, that it was due the next day. So I took all night, I stayed up until 3 am doing it, and the next day she says it's not due until 2 more days (because we didn't have her the next day) because 1/2 the class didn't do it. And the other 1/2 of the class that did do it, didn't get anything. No extra credit. And if you though that was crazy, keep reading. So when we got the packets back she said it was only worth 4 points. The entire 12 page 20 problems per page packet was only worth 4 points. And she didn't even check all the problems. She looked at one problem. Per a page. Urg. This psychopathic lady. She will be the death of me.
P.S. Sorry in advance for the past and future spelling and grammar errors, if there are any.

Friday, September 21, 2012


So this is my first post. If I suck at blogging a apologize in advance. To be honest I really don't know if anyone is going to read this. My name is Ash, actually pen name, that's not my real name. It's a longish story how I got this nick name, but I guess I'll tell you anyway. So I have a friend named Sohnjay, and last year, freshman year we both joined this mock trial/ debate club. So it's the day of the 1st trial and this other girl (who later became my friend) asked what my name was and he replied Ash-wait whoops, because there was this other Asian girl, named Ashley and he got our names mixed up. Yep. Okay so I'll tell you more about myself. I am 15, a sophomore in high school, and this is my first blog, so excuse my unexperiencedness. I'm a Cali girl but I don't speak in the stereotypical "OMG did you see her hair today. OMG totally" Californian accent. I really random. this blog is basically me ranting on about random topics and posting random pictures I find awesome/cool or inspirational. When I was little I wanted to be a model/ clothes designer, but that dreamed died when I realized, I would never be tall enough, because my Asianess makes me slightly shorter than the rest of the population and I suck at drawing. I like to doodle, but I couldn't draw to save my life. Then when I older I decided I wanted to be a pharmacist, but just a couple weeks ago I decided I didn't, because I didn't want to spend my life giving medicine to sick people. i would be too depressing. I have decided I wanted to be a psychologist, because I like helping people with their problems. So if you need advice on something/ has a problem, feel free to comment for advice. I am not a sporty person. The only thing I actively do is hip hop dance, which is really fun,  and can help you blow off steam, at least in my opinion. anything else.....uh well I like almost any SciFi, crime, comedy shows/ movies. Except Twilight, and most reality TV. I can't stand them. No offense to all you Twihards, and 16  and Pregnant, and Jersey Shore fans. I love to read manga and read anime. um....yeah I guess this is then end of this post. Comment topics you want me to talk about.